Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pre-Departure Jitters

The day is finally here: July 9, 2009. My departure to England is imminent. In a few hours, I will be on my way to Nashville to spend the day with my family before I bid them farewell for one long month.
It's funny that I think it's long now because way back in February when I was signing up for the program, the month-long course of study seemed miniscule. When others could go to fantastic places for entire semesters, it certainly wasn't fair that I only got to spend one month abroad. One month, however, is perfect. It gives me the time I need (and want) to be both a tourist and a traveller. I can revel in the wonder that is London, England but I can also get into the culture enough to discern and experience something meaningful. Well, here's to hoping that actually happens.
Going to London has been one of the biggest dreams of my life and now that it is actually going to happen, within all of 24 hours, it is a little hard to digest. I'm part denial, part overwhelmed, but mostly I'm excited.
And with this excitement, I must now attend to the last minute packing details. My next update will (hopefully) be from London!


  1. Yeah! you got off to a good start and you should be landing there any moment now! Waiting to hear from you!
