Today was the fourth day of classes. To begin the day, there was no hot water in the bathrooms in Maynard, so I had to postpone the shower. Then I found out that they would be working on the hot water lines from 9am- 5pm. Why it didn't work at 7am, then, is beyond me. Regardless, the very first thing in class today was watching Pride and Prejudice- the Keira Knightley version. I knew I loved that movie for some reason and I have fallen in love with Mr. Darcy all over again. I will say, as I always do when I watch that version, that the ending is completely ruined by Hollywood. There is enough romance in the air without Focus Features or Joe Wright or whoever was responsible for it to make it that apparent. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch the movie. It is so beautiful all the way until the last three minutes. After that, we took a quiz on Mansfield Park, talked more about narrative techniques, got our first paper back (95, thank you) and then it was time for lunch.
Keeping awake during my theatre class in the afternoon was tough. We took notes while he read to us about theatrical terms, and while I was glad to be learning, I wished that everyone would distract him like they normally do so I could sneak in a nap. But I persevered, and when class was over, I attended the orientation for the Stonehenge/Salisbury trip on Friday. It will be fantastic...I hope.
Perhaps the biggest thing to happen today was my move from Maynard to Dudin Brown. I've mentioned the disaster showers, and they're pretty disgusting in Maynard. Dudin Brown is heaven to compared to it. The bathrooms are private bathrooms. Not private in the sense that you are the only one to use it, but when you're in there, you're the only one there. The floor uses it, but there are two others, so it considerably more private and they are really clean with handshowers and everything. One of the administrative staff was only here until the 21st, and I asked if I could have her old room. It worked out, and lucky me, my closest friend here lives next door. It is amazing.

The room is in a mess because I was scrambling to gather my things to get a shower before I had to get dinner. It is a lot brighter than my older room, I love the bay windows, and it actually faces the street as opposed to an abandoned house/field. I am very happy with the change.
After dinner, three friends and I decided to go to Kensington Gardens to see the Peter Pan statue and walk around the park. Here are the pictures.

That's the Peter Pan Statue. Right across the statue, across the little river that runs through the park, is where they're staging Peter Pan the show, which I will be attending next week.

Don't the clouds look amazing?

Kensington Palace is where Princess Diana lived when alive. Kensington Gardens host many memorials to her, one of which is the fountain below.

That's me (obviously), with my back to Miranda, and the girl in front is Laura. The fourth person with us was Mark, and he took this picture. He does not like being photographed so there aren't pictures of him. After Kensington Gardens, I went grocery shopping at Sainsbury's, somewhat akin to a Kroger, except better. They have everything possible available, and they are very conscious of all dietary restrictions, and cheap. We got back to campus at around 10pm to meet with some people about a possible trip to Haworth this weekend. Haworth is where the Bronte family lived- Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre and Emily Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights. For those of you who are familiar with the novels, Haworth is in the Moors and it will be fantastic if we make it there. I am currently researching cheap hostels at which we can stay.
All in all, I am having a most enjoyable time here. Tomorrow a theatre field trip will take me to the Rose Theatre and the infamous Globe Theatre, where I will watch Romeo and Juliet. I am thoroughly excited. Descriptions and reviews tomorrow, as always.
So you did advocate for yourself and accomplish a territory change! Thats going to make things more comfortable. About your blog here: Is" falled in love" correct usage or a typo.. ? Nice that you included pictures of you and the friends we have been reading about. Have not seen Sarah yet.