Monday, July 13, 2009

Constant Rush!

First day of classes today! I woke up at 6.30 ready to get breakfast at 7, but after getting dressed, I realized that breakfast wasn't served until 7.30. I finally managed to get breakfast, then got showered, borrowed a neighbor's electrical adapter so I could straighten my hair and finally made it to the quadrangle to meet my professor for class. My first class this morning was Theatre, and it was quite interesting. There are definitely a few interesting characters in there (we all had to go around introducing ourselves, telling any interesting stories of London), with the professor being rather interesting himself. He teaches at Eastern Kentucky University and he is very opinionated. He is also very laid-back. The course should be really, really easy. We only have to write critiques of the plays that we see, and keep a journal of things related to the class- the places we see, things discussed in class, etc. Following class was a quick lunch of chicken and rice, which was quite delicious. Then it was time for the Jane Austen class. Listening to my professor (who teaches at Western Kentucky University) talk about the field trips associated with the class and give a history of Jane Austen got me really excited (more info about the trips as and when they happen). We had an ice-breaker game, where I was one of the four winners, and so received a key chain with a red telephone booth. As part of the introduction to Jane Austen, we watched Miss Austen Regrets, a short film on the last years of Jane Austen.
This is where the true rush began. A friend and I had to run to the mall to purchase our tickets for a showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and she had to purchase some grocery items, but we only had an hour to do this. After the slow bus rides to and fro, I got back to campus in time to put my books away, take a breath, and rush to grab dinner. The reason I was in a hurry was because I was supposed to meet my classmates in the theatre course at 6pm in order to make it over to Central London to watch our very first play. A quick half-dinner later, we were on our way to New London Theatre to watch Warhorse.
We got there with time to spare and the show promptly began at 7.30 pm. The story of the play follows a boy who is given a horse to take care of and raise, and it follows the relationship of the two through World War I. Basically, the father of the boy (being poor) sells the horse for £100 to the military for use in WWI. The boy cannot live without the horse and he enlists, in spite of being 16. Everything turns out okay in the end, because they are reunited. The unique thing about the play is the horse, Joey. It is a life-size puppet. There are three actors underneath the horse, using it like a covering, that manouver the horse and make all the sounds. They were fantastic. They had everything down to perfection including the neighing, the flicking of the tail, the coordinated legs while galloping and even the snorting of the horse. I just watched the horse in amazement the entire time. All in all, it was a great way to spend the evening.
The group of girls I was with was anxious to get back to campus, as it was all ready 10:30pm. The journey back, therefore, was also rushed. After lots of quick-paced uphill climbing and standing on the tube, we finally made it back to campus, relieved to be done with the day.


  1. Wow, I bet it took a lot of practice to get all the natural movements of the horse down pat. but of course they're professional but glad you are having fun.

  2. A pretty action-packed day! Would love to know more about the British English in the play! You know how I feel....

  3. Oh my gosh I'm so excited I get to follow your trip on this blog!! I'm glad you're having fun so far :)

    Philly was a blast!

